Thank you for visiting Lagoon Creek Café and Function Room website.
If you would like to get in touch with us please contact us via the details below.

We are located behind the Caboolture PCYC and just around the corner from the Caboolture Hospital, Caboolture Uni campus and Central Lakes shopping centre.


Café Opening Hours    
8:00am – 2:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Saturday, Sunday & public holidays


1-11 Toovey Street,
Caboolture QLD 4510
(Behind PCYC building, walk through car park)



(07) 5432 4855


(07) 5432 4855

Click on the map pin, which will navigate you to Google Maps where you will be able to enter your “from” address to find your way to us via GPS. If you have any problems, please contact us directly.


We have ample parking available opposite the PCYC building and gates on Toovey Street. Our café can be accessed by walking through the PCYC car park and following the café signs.

Contact Us

Your feedback is important to us.